Chapter 10.02 - Academic Administrative Organization
Chapter 10.02 - - Academic Administrative Organization
P10.02.010. Academic Organizational Structure.
The university academic administration is organized into the three major administrative units: the University of Ӱԭ Anchorage (UAA); the University of Ӱԭ Fairbanks (Ӱԭ); and the University of Ӱԭ Southeast (UAS). Each MAU will have the primary responsibility for ensuring that the educational needs of its assigned service area are met, utilizing not only its own educational resources but also those available throughout the university. As provided by the following policies, the academic administration of the university may be further structured into community colleges and academic units.
P10.02.020. Scope and Responsibility of the Academic Administration.
- As the executive officer of the board and the chief executive officer of the university, the president will be responsible for the efficient and effective operation and management of its educational programs. The president will recommend the structure of the academic administration to be established by the board. The president will approve the appointment of the academic officers and faculty of the university unless such responsibility is delegated elsewhere in Regents’ Policy or in University Regulation.
- As chief executive officer of an MAU, the chancellor will appoint a chief academic officer for the MAU, following consultation with the president and the board in accordance with the bylaws of the board on university personnel. This officer will be responsible for supervision and implementation of the academic programs of the MAUs.
- The MAU chief academic officers will also be responsible for advising the chancellors and the chief academic officer on the needs and condition of the academic programs of the MAUs as well as the need for the addition or deletion of programs in an MAU service area.
P10.02.040. Academic Unit Establishment, Major Revision, and Elimination.
- Academic units are created within the university for the purposes of instruction, research, advanced study, outreach, or economic development. All such units, at any level of the university structure, must provide for the effective management and productivity of their activities. Degree and Certificate programs approved by the board or president in accordance with P10.04.020 may be offered only within accredited units.
- Ӱԭ, schools, colleges, and designated research institutes and academic units with systemwide responsibilities may not be created or eliminated without board approval. Academic units at lower levels, if they employ or are intended to employ tenured or tenure track faculty, or if they deliver or are intended to deliver certificate or degree programs, may be created or eliminated by the president at the request of a chancellor with notification to the board, or at the discretion of the president, by the board. The president will determine when a revision to an academic unit is sufficiently major to require approval by the board. Elimination or major revision of a unit at any level, if the unit employs tenured or tenure track faculty or delivers degree or certificate programs, will require a program review as specified in P10.06.010 and University Regulation
- Faculty from more than one MAU may be affiliated with a unit, following agreement between the appropriate chancellors and the president as appropriate, as to the type of affiliation, accreditation requirements, and other contractual obligations.
- Approval of the board is required to create units as specified in this section and to eliminate or significantly modify the following university units:
- Community Ӱԭ
- Kenai Peninsula College
- Kodiak College
- Matanuska-Susitna College
- Prince William Sound College
- College of Arts and Sciences
- College of Business and Public Policy
- College of Engineering
- College of Health
- School of Allied Health
- School of Justice and Human Services
- School of Nursing
- School of Preventative and Therapeutic Sciences
- Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies (AS 14.40.088)
- School of Social Work
- WWAMI School of Medical Education
- Community and Technical College
- Institute of Social and Economic Research (AS 14.40.110)
- School of Education
- University Honors College
- College of Business and Security Management
- College of Engineering and Mines
- Mineral Industry Research Laboratory (AS 14.40.115)
- College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
- Institute of Marine Science (AS 14.40.080)
- Seward Marine Center
- College of Indigenous Studies
- Ӱԭ Native Language Center (AS 14.40.117)
- Bristol Bay Campus, Dillingham
- Chukchi Campus, Kotzebue
- Kuskokwim Campus, Bethel
- Northwest Campus, Nome
- College of Liberal Arts
- College of Natural Science and Mathematics
- Community and Technical College
- Geophysical Institute
- Ӱԭ Center for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration – Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (ACUASI-RDT & E)
- Ӱԭ Earthquake Center (AS 14.40.075)
- Ӱԭ State Climate Center (AS 14.40.085)
- Ӱԭ Volcano Observatory (AS 14.40.075)
- Poker Flat Research Range
- Institute of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Extension
- Cooperative Extension Service (federal mandate)
- Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station (federal mandate)
- Institute of Arctic Biology
- International Arctic Research Center
- Kodiak Seafood and Marine Science Center (AS 16.52.010-070)
- Rasmuson Library
- School of Education
- University of Ӱԭ Museum of the North
- Juneau Campus
- School of Arts & Sciences
- School of Career Education
- School of Education
- Ketchikan Campus
- Sitka Campus
P10.02.050. Community Campus Role and Mission
UA’s community campuses are integrated into their respective university’s mission by providing open admission access to postsecondary education—both academic and workforce development—that aligns closely with secondary-level educational standards, career pathways, and local, regional, and statewide needs. Community campuses help prepare students for entry into higher education by delivering developmental/preparatory programs, dual credit, and TechPrep opportunities for local high school students. It is essential that the mission and functions of these campuses align fully with the mission, core themes, and accreditation standards of their respective university. Campus academic program and course offerings will be prioritized to meet local and regional workforce and continuing education needs, and may include more specialized programs serving broader regional and/or statewide needs as resources allow. Cross-campus programs and course offerings will be aligned within each university and, when offered on a statewide basis, be coordinated across universities to expand opportunities for students, achieve efficiencies, and avoid unnecessary redundancy in accordance with P10.04.010 − Academic Program Integration.
A process for the approval to offer upper division or graduate course by a community campus will be established at each university.
P10.02.070. Accreditation.
- The University of Ӱԭ Anchorage, the University of Ӱԭ Fairbanks, the University of Ӱԭ Southeast will each, based on its own merits and the quality of its programs, seek and maintain accreditation from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Chancellors are responsible and accountable for instituting a robust process for maintaining accreditation at their university.
- Individual program accreditation by professional accrediting bodies should be sought when meeting such accreditation standards is consistent with the goals of the university.
- Annually, the president, in coordination with the chancellor of each university, shall
provide a written report to the Board of Regents' Academic and Student Affairs Committee
on the status of institutional and specialized accreditation. As necessary, the president
will brief the board on emerging issues of concern regarding accreditation status.
- The report must summarize the university’s status within the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities 7-year review cycle including progress made in addressing any recommendations from the commission.
- For each program with specialized accreditation, the report must provide the following information: the college or campus in which the program is housed; the specialized accrediting body; the date of initial accreditation, when available; the date of the most recent reaffirmation of accreditation; the next review date, if permissible by the accrediting body; and the current accreditation status, including commendations and recommendations, if permissible by the accrediting body. It must also describe the efforts the university has made to address any outstanding recommendations.
- The president shall adopt university regulations consistent with this policy.
Chapter 10.02 - Academic Administrative Organization
R10.02.020. Scope and Responsibility of the Academic Administration.
The president of the University of Ӱԭ may appoint an Academic Council (AC), composed of the chief academic officers of the University of Ӱԭ Anchorage, the University of Ӱԭ Fairbanks, and the University of Ӱԭ Southeast, to assist in performing the functions of the University of Ӱԭ chief academic officer set forth in P02.02.017 and P10.02.02. The president may appoint staff from the statewide administration to serve as staff to the AC, and assign statewide administration officers to meet with the AC as needed. The AC provides recommendations on matters of Regents’ Policy or University Regulation to the president; such recommendations will receive the review and advice of the chancellors. Members of the AC will apprise the president and their respective chancellors of other decisions of the AC, and may implement the results of such decisions directly within their respective MAUs.
R10.02.030. Systemwide Instructional Technology.
Changes to systemwide instructional technology must be approved by the Academic Council (AC). AC, in conjunction with IT leadership will develop a process for reevaluating existing technology, exploring other options, and making recommendations about changes.
R10.02.040. Academic Unit Establishment, Major Revision, and Elimination.
The president must approve the establishment, elimination or major revision of certain academic units unless such authority has been delegated. Academic units requiring president’s approval are those units in which faculty hold tenured or tenure track positions or which deliver one or more degree or certificate programs.
The academic structure of the University of Ӱԭ is designed as described by the list below. The Statewide Office of Academic Affairs will periodically review the list with MAU provost offices and update R10.02.040 as appropriate. Approval of academic units and the elimination and major revision of units listed below require approval of the president. Units designated “BOR” (listed in P10.02.040) also require Board of Regents’ approval. Authority to eliminate or substantially modify existing units is delegated to the chancellors for units designated with a “C” notwithstanding the foregoing Board of Regents approval required for program elimination, reduction, or addition.
Business Enterprise Institute (C)
Ӱԭ Small Business Development Center (C)
Applied Environmental Research Center (C)
Business Innovation Zone (C)
Center for Corporate and Professional Development (C)
Center for Economic Development (C)
Center for Strategic Partnerships and Research (C)
Procurement Technical Assistance Center (C)
College of Arts and Sciences (BOR)
Ӱԭ Center for Conservation Science (C)
Department of Ӱԭ Native Studies (C)
Department of Anthropology and Geography (C)
Department of Art (C)
Department of Biological Sciences (C)
Department of Chemistry (C)
Department of English (C)
Department of Geological Sciences (C)
Department of History (C)
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies (C)
Department of Journalism and Public Communications (C)
Department of Languages (C)
Department of Mathematics and Statistics (C)
Department of Music (C)
Department of Philosophy (C)
Department of Physics and Astronomy (C)
Department of Political Science (C)
Department of Psychology (C)
Department of Theatre and Dance (C)
Environment and Natural Resources Institute (C)
Ethics Center (C)
Montgomery Dickson Center for Japanese Language and Culture (C)
Psychological Services Center (C) -
College of Business and Public Policy (BOR)
Department of Accounting and Finance (C)
Department of Economics (C)
Department of Management, Marketing, Logistics, and Business Analytics (C)
Department of Public Administration and Policy (C)
Center for Economic Education (C)
- College of Health (BOR)
Ӱԭ Center for Rural Health and Health Workforce (C)
Center for Human Development (C)
Division of Population Health Sciences (C)
Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies (C)
Department of Health Sciences (C)
Department of Public Health (C)
Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies (BOR)
Interprofessional Health Sciences Simulation Center (C)
School of Allied Health (BOR)
Department of Paramedical Technology (C)
School of Justice and Human Services (C)
Department of Corrections (C)
Department of Human Services (C)
Justice Center (C)
School of Nursing (BOR)
School of Preventative and Therapeutic Sciences (C)
Department of Dental Hygiene (C)
Department of Dietetics and Nutrition (C)
Department of Kinesiology (C)
Department of Speech Language Pathology (C)
Department of Physical Therapy (C)
School of Social Work (BOR)
Department of Graduate Social Work Studies (C)
Department of Undergraduate Social Work Studies (C)
WWAMI School of Medical Education (BOR)
- College of Engineering (BOR)
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering (C)
- Department of Civil Engineering (C)
- Department of Electrical Engineering (C)
- Department of Geomatics (C)
- Department of Project Management (C)
- Department of Mechanical Engineering (C)
- Community and Technical College (BOR)
Department of Aviation Technology (C)
Department of Automotive and Diesel Power (C)
Department of Communication (C)
Department of Computer Systems and Networking (C)
Department of Construction Management (C)
Department of Culinary Art (C)
Department of Occupational Safety and Health (C)
Department of Quantitative Studies (C)
Department of Technology Studies (C)
Department of University Studies (C)
Department of Welding and Nondestructive Testing (C)
Department of Writing (C) -
Community Ӱԭ
Kenai Peninsula College (BOR)
Kachemak Bay Campus
Kenai River Campus
Resurrection Bay Extension Site (C)
Kodiak College (BOR)
Matanuska-Susitna College (BOR)
Prince William Sound College (BOR)
Cordova Extension Center (C)
Copper Basin Extension Center (C) - Consortium Library (C)
- Graduate School (C)
Institute of Social and Economic Research (BOR); AS 14.40.110
Center for Ӱԭ Education Policy Research (C)
Center for Behavioral Health Research and Services (C) - School of Education (BOR)
Department of Early Learning and Teaching (C)
Department of Graduate Studies in Education, Indigenizing Education and Leadership C)
Department of Professional and Continuing Education (C) - University Honors College (BOR)
- Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (C)
- Ӱԭ Blue Economy Center (C)
- Ӱԭ Center for Energy and Power (C)
- Intellectual Property and Commercialization (C)
- Research Integrity Office (C)
- Veterinary Services (C)
- Animal Quarters (C)
- Robert G. White Large Animal Research Station (C)
- Ӱԭ Sea Grant (C)
- Marine Advisory Program (C)
- College of Business and Security Management (BOR)
- Accounting and Finance (C)
- Applied Management (C)
- Business Administration (C)
- Center for Arctic Security and Resilience (C)
- Healthcare Management and Leadership (C)
- Homeland Security and Emergency Management (C)
- Military Science Department (C)
- Northern Leadership Center (C)
- College of Engineering and Mines (BOR)
- Computer Science Department (C)
- Civil, Geological, and Environmental Engineering Department (C)
- Electrical & Computer Engineering Department (C)
- Mechanical Engineering Department (C)
- Mining and Mineral Engineering Department (C)
- Petroleum Engineering Department (C)
- Institute of Northern Engineering (C)
- Arctic Infrastructure Development Center (C)
- Mineral Industry Research Laboratory (BOR)
- Petroleum Development Laboratory (C)
- Water and Environmental Research Center
- College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (BOR)
- Academic Departments
- Fisheries (C)
- Marine Biology (C)
- Oceanography (C)
- Research
- Institute of Marine Science (BOR)
- Coastal Marine Institute (C)
- Ocean Acidification Research Center (C)
- Seward Marine Center (BOR)
- Academic Departments
- College of Liberal Arts (BOR)
- Arctic and Northern Studies Program (C)
- Department of Anthropology (C)
- Department of Art (C)
Department of Communications (C)
Department of English (C)
Department of Global Languages and Literatures (C)
- Department of History (C)
- Department of Justice (C)
- Department of Music (C)
Department of Philosophy (C)
Department of Political Science (C)
- Department of Psychology (C)
- Department of Science and Environmental Journalism (C)
- Department of Social Work (C)
Department of Theatre and Film (C)
Linguistics Program (C)
- Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program (C)
- College of Natural Science and Mathematics (BOR)
- Department of Atmospheric Sciences (C)
- Department of Biology and Wildlife (C)
- Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (C)
- Department of Geosciences(C)
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics (C)
- Department of Natural Resources and Environment (C)
- Department of Physics (C)
- Department of Veterinary Medicine (C)
- Ӱԭ Quaternary Center
- Center for Teaching and Learning (C)
- eCampus (C)
- Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)
- Geophysical Institute (BOR)
- Advanced Instrumentation Laboratory (C)
- Ӱԭ Center for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration –Research Development, Test
and Evaluation (ACUASI-RDT&E) (BOR) - Ӱԭ Earthquake Center (BOR)
- Ӱԭ Satellite Facility (C)
- Ӱԭ Space Grant Program (C)
- Ӱԭ State Climate Center (BOR); AS 14.40.085
- Ӱԭ Volcano Observatory (BOR)
- Chapparal Physics (C)
- Geographic Information Network of Ӱԭ
- Geochronology Facility (C)
- GeoData Center and Map Office (C)
- High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (C)
- Instrumental Development Services (C)
- Jack Townshend College International Geophysical Observatory (C)
- Keith B. Mather Library (C)
- Petrology Laboratory (C)
- Poker Flat Research Range (BOR)
- Research Computing Systems (C)
- SuperDARN (C)
- Wilson Ӱԭ Technical Center (C)
- Research Groups
- Atmospheric Sciences (C)
- Remote Sensing (C)
- Seismology and Geodesy (C)
- Snow, Ice, and Permafrost (C)
- Space Physics & Aeronomy (C)
- Tectonics & Sedimentation (C)
- Volcanology (C)
- Graduate School
- Graduate Interdisciplinary Studies (C)
- Institute of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Extension (BOR)
- Cooperative Extension Service (federal mandate) (BOR)
- Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station (federal mandate) (BOR)
- Fairbanks Experiment Farm (C)
- Georgeson Botanical Garden (GBG) (C)
- Matanuska Experiment Farm and Extension Center (MEFEC) (C)
- Fairbanks Experiment Farm (C)
- Institute of Arctic Biology (BOR)
- Ӱԭ Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit (C)
- Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest and Long-Term Ecological Research Site (C)
- Center for Ӱԭ Native Health Research (C)
- Center for Transformative Research in Metabolism (C)
- Core Facility for DNA Analysis (C)
- IAB Research Greenhouse (C)
- Toolik Field Station (C)
- International Arctic Research Center (BOR)
- Ӱԭ Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (C)
- Ӱԭ Climate Adaptation Science Center (C)
- Ӱԭ Fire Science Consortium (C)
- Center for Arctic Policy Studies (C)
- Cooperative Institute for Ӱԭ Research (C)
- Scenarios Network for Ӱԭ Planning (C)
- International Student and Scholar Services (C)
- Kodiak Seafood and Marine Science Center (BOR)
- Office of the Vice Chancellor of Rural, Community, and Native Education (C)
- College of Indigenous Studies (BOR)
- Academic Departments:
- Ӱԭ Native Language Center (BOR); AS 14.40.117
- Ӱԭ Native Language Program (C)
- Ӱԭ Native Language Archive (C)
- Center for Cross-Cultural Studies (C)
- Ӱԭ Native Knowledge Network (C)
- Indigenous Studies (C)
- Center for One Health Research (C)
- Department of Ӱԭ Native Studies and Rural Development (C)
- Department of Community Based Science (C)
- Department of Social and Human Development (C)
- Department of Tribal Governance (C)
- Department of Workforce Development (C)
- Rural Student Services (C)
- Rural Ӱԭ Honors Institute (C)
- Ӱԭ:
- Bristol Bay Campus, Dillingham (BOR)
- Aleutians/Pribilof Center (C)
- Chukchi Campus, Kotzebue (BOR)
- Kuskokwim Campus, Bethel (BOR)
- Northwest Campus, Nome (BOR)
- Bristol Bay Campus, Dillingham (BOR)
- Community and Technical College, Fairbanks (BOR)
- Academic Departments:
- Department of Allied Health (C)
- Department of Applied Business, Applied Accounting, and Paralegal Studies (C)
- Department of Arts and Letters (C)
- Department of Aviation and Trade Technologies (C)
- Department of Computer and Information Technology Systems (C)
- Department of Construction Management and Drafting Technology (C)
- Department of Culinary Arts and Hospitality (C)
- Department of Developmental Education and CRCD Math (C)
- Department of Emergency Services and Public Safety (C)
- Department of Industrial Maintenance and Transportation (C)
- Department of Process Technology (C)
- Bunnell House Early Childhood Lab School (C)
- Delta Career and Advancement Center (C)
- Eielson AFB UA Office (C)
- Ft. Wainwright UA Office (C)
- Mining and Petroleum Training Service (MAPTS) (C)
- Pipeline Training Center (C)
- Tok Center (C)
- Academic Departments:
- Office of the Provost
- Office of the Vice Provost (C)
- Division of Exploratory Studies and Academic Success (C)
- Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity (C)
- Honors College (C)
- Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies (C)
- Division of Exploratory Studies and Academic Success (C)
- Rasmuson Library (BOR)
- Acquisitions and Technical Services (C)
- Ӱԭ & Polar Regions Collections and Archives (C)
- Collections and Access Services (C)
- Library Administration (C)
- Library Information Technology (C)
- Library Science Department (C)
- Research, Instruction and Outreach Services (C)
- School of Education (BOR)
- Counselor Education Department (C)
- Elementary Education Department (C)
- K-12 Outreach (C)
- Secondary Education Department (C)
- Special Education Department (C)
- Summer Sessions and Lifelong Learning (C)
- University of Ӱԭ Museum of the North (BOR)
- Juneau Campus (BOR)
- School of Arts & Sciences (BOR)
- Department of Business and Public Administration (C)
- Department of Humanities (C)
- Department of Natural Sciences (C)
- Department of Social Sciences (C)
- School of Career Education (BOR)
- School of Education (BOR)
- William A. Egan Library
- Ӱԭ Coastal Rainforest Center
- Center for Mine Training
- Ketchikan Campus (BOR)
- Sitka Campus (BOR)
R10.02.050. Community Ӱԭ
- Community campuses will cooperate and collaborate with the broader accredited university
of which they are part. Moreover, community campuses like their respective universities
are expected to collaborate across the UA system in support of effective and efficient
development and delivery of academic courses and programs. Each community campus will
contribute to the integrated instructional program of its respective university through
practices such as:
- Course and program offerings at the community campuses will be subject to established university-wide approval processes and are subject to periodic review by the chief academic officer of the accredited university. Community campuses may, based on local, regional, and statewide student demand, deliver developmental and preparatory studies, workforce credentials, occupational endorsements, certificate and associate level courses and programs, credit or noncredit cultural enrichment and continuing education courses. Where specific demand exists and where approved through the accredited university’s process, specified programs to include baccalaureate and graduate programs may be offered in cooperation and alignment with other schools and campuses within the broader university and UA system.
- Under the direction of the chancellor or designee, the administrative and academic leadership of the community campus is the responsibility of the campus dean or director, working in consultation with appropriate academic deans and directors. Faculty qualifications at community campuses will be authorized through a process approved by the chief academic officer of the accredited university.
R10.02.060. Community College Establishment and Elimination.
An extended college or campus may be considered for community college status after a minimum of three years operation if growth projections are sufficient to warrant community college status. Factors to be considered in proposals for the formation of a new community college or its continuation will include the following:
- Academic and Non-Degree Programs:
- a community college will be expected, at a minimum, to provide an academic transfer program, a career and vocational program, remedial and developmental education, a student services program, and a program of community services and continuing education;
- a community college will develop its own academic programs and career education in accordance with Regents’ Policy and University Regulation; board approved programs will be at the certificate and associate degree level, and coordinated where appropriate with the programs of the sponsoring university; coordination is also expected with the sponsoring university to facilitate the offering of baccalaureate and master's programs in the community college service area; and
- the establishment or continuation of the college will contribute meaningfully to promotion of student success, improve and extend university services in meeting community and regional needs, and enhance overall integration and costeffectiveness of delivering university services in the community and region.
- Service Area and Student Base: a community college will establish a service area supportive of a minimum student full-time equivalent (FTE) base of 300.
- Staffing: all community colleges, regardless of enrollment, will have basic start-up and continuing staff.
- Agreement with Local Qualified School Districts or Political Subdivisions: a community college will be established, operated, and maintained under a cooperative agreement with local qualified school districts or political subdivisions, in accordance with AS 14.40.560-14.40.640 (the Community College Act) and any other applicable requirements established by board. This agreement will include an acceptable costsharing plan for defraying the ongoing operational costs of the community college. At a minimum, however, the local community's ongoing contribution must be one-third of the total operating budget, and cover the direct instructional and administrative costs for nondegree college programs and activities.