August 17, 1967


Vol. 1 No. 3 - UA, News Service

Issued 9:00 A.m. Thursday, Aug. 17, 1967

12,000 meals served Wednesday in the Commons

More than 12,000 meals were served in the Commons Wednesday, according to Bob Mathison of Hi Continental, the Commons concessionaire.

The count from noon to closing at 9-30 p.m. was 7,000. Mathison estimated that 14,000 persons, were fed Tuesday.

These figures compare with an average of 3,000 meals served, during regular school operation. The 3,000, Mathison said is almost double the designed capacity of the Commons.

In addition to evacuees and others housed on campus, the Commons is serving as a food distribution point for persons living in Ester, Fox, along Farmer's Loop Road and in most of the area west of the Chena River.

The Commons is currently operating with a staff of 150 persons more than half of them volunteers.

Menus are being kept simple, Mathison said, to expedite the serving of meals to so many persons. Bread, milk and produce are being flown in from Anchorage daily. Non-perishable, foodstuffs are being donated by Fairbanks stores. The U.S. Army has been trucking foodstuffs in high-wheeled trucks from a collection point at International Airporort.

To give an idea of quantities consumed, Mthison said 400 loaves of bread for toast and 145 pounds of coffee are needed for breakfast.

Wednesday, more than 14,000 frankfurters were served.

To help conserve water, paper plates and cups are being used insteadof dishes.


The university power plant last night began receiving power from the Golden Valley Electric Assn. system, thereby somewhat alleviating a critical water shortage on campus.

Water being used in the power plant's production of electricity was instead being stored for use on campus.

The water also was used to flush toilets and to alleviate a sewage accumulation problem that had been termed critical earlier in the evening.

Gerald England, power plant supervisor, warned that the water shortage would continue until three big wells could be put back into operation.

These wells, each capable of producing up to 200 gallons a minute, were knocked out by flood waters and won't be in operation until the waters recede, he said.

He urged residents to continue to conserve water until the emergency is over. Yesterday, water was shut off to several buildings in an effort to maintain a sufficient supply of water for the generation of power.


At last count, 81 dogs --- ranging from a petite Chihuahua to a rangy Great Dane --- were being penned in the campus "kennels" west of the Patty Building. Two veterinarians were in charge.

Evacuees are reminded that ALL dogs must be taken to the "kennels".


Power was restored to the three buildings on the West Ridge at 10:45 last night, ending a blackout that had existed since Tuesday morning.

Power plant personnel were forced to cut the area off in order to maintain power to the Commons-where the campus population is being fed-- and to dormitories.


David Mangusso, head of university housing, estimates that 80 per cent of all evacuees living on campus have registered with his office in Hess Hall.

The campus normal housing capacity is 1,043 persons. Mangusso says that between 5,000 and 6,oo0 evacuees arrived on campus between Monday night and last night.

At the outset of the arrivals, about 450 of the 1,043 beds were being occupied by Summer Sessions personnel. Evacuees are being housed in these buildings:

Patty Gymnasium--classrooms, lobby and Nanook Lounge; the Commons; Eielson Building --- classrooms and hallways; Bunnell Building classrooms; Duckering Building classrooms; Brooks Building classrooms; the ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ Water Laboratory;the BioSciences Building; Constitution Hall --- the lounge and snack bar and the Music Building.

University faculty and staff members also opened their homes and apartments, in some cases tripling and quadrupling the usual household population.

The power plant staff was sleeping at the plant.


Gov. Walter J. Hickel and local, state and federal officials will meet at 2 p.m. Today in the Board Room in the -Bunnell Building to discuss flood reconstruction plans and to man further flood relief programs.

The leaders were invited to meet at the university at the invitation of Dr. William R. Wood, universitv president.


Staff members of the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner moved to the offices of the Polar Star, the university's student newspaper, last night to work on the News-Miner's first edition since flood waters knocked out power to the newspaper's plant in Fairbanks.

Yesterday morning, the Anchorage Daily News Published a joint edition with the News-Miner and the Fairbanks daily's masthead appeared at the top of page one in the Daily News.

After the Anchorage earthquake in 1964, the News-Miner published a joint edition with the Daily News.

The earthquake had knocked the Daily News plant out of commission.


The annual Babe Ruth World Series, scheduled to open at Growden Field today, may be moved to Anchorage.

Fairbanks Mayor H. A. (Red) Boucher has asked Anchorage to host the baseball tournament and a decision was expected this morning. More than 1,500 youngsters from throughout the nation were scheduled to participate.


The Geophysical Institute's intricate earthquake-measuring system., extending throughout ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ, is being used as an emergency communications system, iinking the university, Fairbanks, and the main ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ Communications System center with the rest of the state and the nation.

The system, under normal operation, measures the force and pinpoints the location of earthquakes in ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ. It pinpointed within minutes the epicenter of the June earthquakes that rocked Fairbanks with jolts that measured up to 6.8 on the Richter scale.


Only persons holding a Civil Defense permit will be permitted to operate boats in the Fairbanks area today. All boating was banned over-niqht until 8 a.m. today. Persons should go DIRECTLY to the Public Safety Building in Fairbanks for permits.

---- A Mass will be celebrated at 9 a.m., and a Protestant service will be held at 10 a.m. today---both in the third floor auditorium of the Duckering Building.

---- All food suppliers in the Fairbanks area were "required", so the announcement said, to meet at 2 p.m. today at the Travelers Inn.

---- Fort Wainwright announced last night that it would resume regular operations today.

---- One of the Pioneer Hall residents being housed on the eight floor of Terris Moore Hall was asked what he needed to be more comfortable. He replied: "A fifth of scotch". (Ed.--It's true, it's true.)

---- Somebody got their signals mixed in Moore Hall about 7 yesterday morning and alerted all residents to turn in their sheets to the Resident Counselor's apartment. The R. C. awoke to find a monumental pile of bedding outside his door. The sheets were subsequently re-issued.

---- The Weather Bureau in Anchorage forecast rain in the Interior tonight. However, the rain is not expected to have any effect on the level of the Chena River.

---- The shuttle of evacuees from campus to catch flights to Anchorage resumed this morning after an overnight halt.

----The Civil Defense Office on campus is located in the Housing office in Hess Hall. Al George is the campus CD officer.

---- A mail pickup bin is located in the east wing of the Bunnell Building. The mail is being lifted by helicopter to International Airport.

---- Miscellaneous clothing is available in Hess Hall.

---- A backup supply of 6,000 C-rations was being flown to campus this morning from Eielson Air Force Base.


All probationers and parolees under the supervision of the Youth and Adult Authority must report to Walt Jones, the chief probation and parole officer, in Room 109 of Hess Hall between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.


Vol. 1 No. 4 - UA, News Service

Issued 4:00 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 17, 1967


Gov. Walter J. Hickel told an overflow crowd of more than 350 Fairbanks businessmen this afternoon that the Federal Government has pledged its full resources in helping the Fairbanks community recover from the flood.

President Johnson, Hickel said, has declared the Fairbanks region a disaster area, qualifying the conmunity for a number of disaster aid programs.

The disaster declaration was issued about noon today.

The meeting of businessmen was held in Schaible Hall in the Bunnell Building on the university campus.
Dr. William R. Wood, UA president, introduced Hickel who, in turn, introduced representatives of the Office of Emergency Planning and the Small Business Administration.

William Schumacher of San Francisco, area director of the S.BA., told the businessmen that the federal disaster loan program applies to home- owners, churches, non-profit businesses and even large businesses in addition to the small merchant.

Standard provisions of the loan program call for a maximum term of 30 years at three per cent, he said. He noted that since the Anchorage earthquake of 1964, the SBA has trained a group of "highly cornpetent people" in disaster loan administration. And he added:

"We'll give you the best service that's ever been given in any disaster to any state in the nation."
Bob Butler, also of the SBA, explained that loans can be granted to cover not only physical damage to structures and facilities but what he termed "economic injury" as well. This "injury" is, in essence, the loss of income caused by interruption in a firm's business.

He suggested that persons who expect to seek recovery loans take an inventory of their losses and photograph the damage as soon as possible.

The SEA official said that 40 people from the SBA .would arrive in Fairbanks shortly to begin to process applications for aid. "There is no limit to the amount a person can borrow under the Program, "He explained. "The primary requierments are proof of loss and ability to repay."

In later remarks, Dr. Wood announced that the Universitv of ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ would begin its fall semester on schedule (classes begin Sept. 12) and that all university offices and prograrns would resume operations Monday. He also promised that the university would continue to serve as one of the state's evacuation centers.

He read a message from Anchorage Mayor Elmer Rasmuson, promising full support and aid from Anchorage in flood recovery programs. In the message, addressed to -Fairbanks Mayor H. A. (Red) Boucher, Rasmuscn offered to come to Fairbanks tomorrow to meet with local-leaders.

At the end of the scheduled part of today's meeting, Ed Philleo, vice president of the Greator Fairbanks Charnber of Commerce, asked a number of businessmen to remain for a planning session.

The businessmen agreed to send a joint city of Fairbanks, North Star Borough and Chamber of Commcrce delegation to Washington Saturday to seek full federal aid for flood recovery.


-----The movie, "Cat Ballou", will be shown again at 6 and 8 tonight in the third floor auditorium in the Duckering Building.

---- The city of Fairbanks remains off limits to all persons. Those who want to leave the campus for areas outside the city must obtain a pass in Room 107 of Hess Hall.

---A Post Office operation is in gear- in Constitutution Hall. Stamps and envelopes are on sale, Outgoing mail is accepted. There is no incoming mail for evacuees. The Post Office will be open until 7 tonight and from 8:30 a.m. to 5  p,m. daily.

---Eielson Air Force Base, through a tie-in with the Golden Valley Electric Assn., is providing the university with power, thereby helping the university to conserve water.

---- Persons who have children under two years of age should inform the personnel at the recption desk in  Wickersham Hall. This information is needed for food and clothing orders.