Chapter 09.01 - Student Affairs; General Provisions

Chapter 09.01 - Student Affairs; General Provisions

P09.01.010. Student-University Expectations

To promote the highest level of student learning, to enhance institutional productivity and quality, and to enable students to receive the full value of their educational experience, the university and its students will be guided by the reciprocal expectations set out in P09.01.012 - 09.01.018. Nothing in P09.01.010 - 09.01.018, however, is intended to create a contractual or other type of obligation enforceable against the university in an administrative or legal proceeding.


P09.01.012. Expectations: Teaching and Learning. 

  1. The university will provide a faculty that:
    1. is actively involved in curriculum development and refinement; 
    2. is proficient and current in the subject matter; 
    3. uses effective teaching and learning strategies; 
    4. is available for consultation; 
    5. works cooperatively with students and colleagues; and 6. works to instill in each student a life-long joy of learning.
  2. Students will:
    1. meet the prerequisites for courses in which they enroll; 
    2. participate in course activities to the best of their abilities; 
    3. invest the time and effort demanded by course requirements; and 
    4. work cooperatively with faculty and colleagues.


P09.01.014. Expectations: Curriculum.

  1. The university will:
    1. design and implement a curriculum of high quality that is current, responsive to student and community needs, consistent with the university's mission, meets accreditation standards when applicable in accordance with P10.02.070, and is within the limits of facilities, resources, and personnel; 
    2. provide accurate and available statements of program and other academic requirements; 
    3. offer courses on a schedule and sequence that permit students to complete a degree or certificate within the time specified by the program; and 
    4. provide knowledgeable advisors to help students identify appropriate courses and possible vocational options.
  2. Students will:
    1. seek advice from faculty and staff who are knowledgeable about program and other academic requirements; 
    2. be familiar with program and other academic requirements;
    3. be familiar with the course schedule and sequence and plan a program of study accordingly; and 
    4. undertake a manageable course load, understanding that to complete a bachelor’s degree in 4 years or an associate degree in 2 years will require completing at least 30 credits per academic year.


P09.01.016. Expectations: Campus Environment. 

  1. The university will:
    1. offer a variety of learning options; 
    2. respect and encourage diversity within the university community; 
    3. provide an environment that fosters professional behavior; 
    4. support free expression through reasoned discourse; 
    5. foster a mutually supportive relationship with the surrounding community; and 
    6. strive for living and learning environments free from harassment.
  2. Students will:
    1. treat others respectfully; 
    2. exercise rights and privileges responsibly; 
    3. take responsibility for their well-being; 
    4. behave in a manner consistent with the principles of the University of ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æ Student Code of Conduct set forth in P09.02.020 and R09.02.020 and in MAU rules and procedures; 
    5. contribute to the quality of life at the university and in the surrounding community; and 
    6. recognize that their actions reflect on the university.


P09.01.018. Expectations: Student Support Services. 

  1. The university will:
    1. provide support services that it finds are consistent with the university's mission, are responsive to student needs, and are within the limits of facilities, resources, and personnel;
    2. promote student success and academic excellence; 
    3. accurately describe available services, facilities, fees, and requirements for obtaining university services; and 
    4. provide knowledgeable personnel to administer and implement services for students.
  2. Students will:
    1. seek services when needed;
    2.  use services responsibly;
    3.  provide information to assist the service provider; and
    4.  participate in evaluating the services.


P09.01.020. Student Defined. 

  1. Except as specified elsewhere in regents’ policy, university regulation, or university rules and procedures, a student is an individual for whom the university maintains an educational record and who meets one or more of the following criteria:
    1. is enrolled in a course offered by the university; 
    2. is on an approved national or international student exchange or study abroad program, internship, or other program of study; or
  2. Unless otherwise stipulated in regents’ policy or university regulation, a full-time undergraduate student is one who is enrolled for at least 12 credits and a full-time graduate student is one enrolled for at least 9 credits. A half-time undergraduate student is one enrolled for at least 6 credits, and a half-time graduate student is one enrolled for at least 5 credits. Full- and part-time designations are used in part to determine financial aid and other program eligibility, but completion of 30 credits per year is necessary for ontime degree completion.
  3. In order to graduate from the university in four years with a bachelor’s degree or in two years with an associate degree a student needs to complete at least 30 credits per academic year.


P09.01.030. Responsibility and Scope of Student Services. 

  1. Student services programs will advance the mission of the university by providing an environment supportive of students' efforts to attain their educational goals and develop as contributing members of society. Programs will generally include such services as admissions and enrollment services, financial aid, student activities, health and counseling, recreation and residence and campus life and national and international study abroad programs. When determining which student services programs to offer at individual campuses, the university will consider student needs, the mission of the university, and resources available to the campus. 
  2. Students will be eligible to participate in appropriate student services programs unless their eligibility is administratively restricted or unless otherwise restricted by regents’ policy, university regulation, or university rules and procedures.


P09.01.040. Organization of Student Services. 

  1. Each chancellor will be responsible for implementing a structure for student service programs that best meets the needs of the MAU. Student service programs provided on each campus may vary, depending upon the needs and resources of the campus.
  2. Each chancellor will designate a senior student services officer who will supervise and administer student service programs within the MAU, although a service closely related to the responsibilities of another senior officer may be assigned to that officer. The officer will advise the chancellor on the needs and condition of the student services programs within the MAU, and will ensure that programs are operated in conformance with regents’ policy, university regulation, and MAU rules and procedures. Where practicable, senior student services officers will develop common practices among MAUs that contribute to efficiency of service and to students' ability to access academic and student service programs throughout the university.


P09.01.050. Student Notification Regarding Regents' Policy, University Regulation, and MAU Rules and Procedures.

Each chancellor will be responsible for making information generally available to students regarding current regents’ policy, university regulation, and MAU rules and procedures that apply to students. It will be each student's responsibility to become familiar with such regents’ policy, university regulation, and procedures.


P09.01.060. Student Participation in University Committees.

The president and chancellors will be responsible for providing opportunities for student participation in institutional and campus committees, as they deem appropriate. An individual student's participation may be restricted when the student’s academic progress is in jeopardy or as a result of a finding of student misconduct.


P09.01.070. Student "Right-To-Know" Information. 

Each chancellor will ensure MAU and campus compliance with the Student Right-to-Know Act and the Jeanne Cleary Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.


P09.01.080. Student Identification. 

  1. A student will have one identification code in university databases and files. 
  2. Students may be required to present photographic identification and provide their university identification code in order to receive university services, or at other times as requested by a university official.


P09.01.090. Prohibitions on Reprisal and Retaliation.

No student who is acting in good faith will be subject to restraint, interference, coercion, reprisal, or retaliation for initiating a request or complaint, or for participating in any proceeding, that is designed to foster compliance with regents’ policy, university regulation, or MAU rules and procedures. Students accused of acting in bad faith may be subject to action under regents’ policy, university regulation, and MAU rules and procedures regarding student rights and responsibilities.


Chapter 09.01 - Student Affairs; General Provisions

R09.01.050. Student Notification Regarding Regents' Policy, University Regulation, and MAU Rules and Procedures

The MAU senior student services officers will be responsible for making available in catalogs, student handbooks and other appropriate documents, in print and/or by electronic means, current information regarding Regents’ Policy, University Regulation and MAU rules and procedures which apply to students. Ways to access such information will be publicized in catalogs, registration materials, and other appropriate documents and publications.


R09.01.080. Student Identification

For purposes of personal identification while on MAU property or in attendance at MAU sponsored events, an MAU may require an MAU identification card.
